How Has My Life Changed During Lock Down?
Success Stories
A guest blog by Ellie Budenberg. A student from the Wellington School who recently took part in the DEVA/hack.
Never in a million years would you expect our lives to change as they have today…
A global pandemic has hit us abruptly and left everyone in a state of devastation and destruction forcing us to go into lockdown. The coronavirus pandemic is both a physical challenge and a metaphor for everything from the failures of our economy to people being stranded in foreign countries.
We are all struggling and desperately want to return back to our normal day to day life. It has now been 12 weeks and I haven’t seen any family or friends or done any of my usual hobbies, it is like a whirlwind has hit us and taken everything away from us. I don’t think anyone can appreciate the long terms effects and challenges that this pandemic holds for the future and that in 20 years or so, we will look back and just realise how lucky we are to survive this and how thankful we are to our incredible NHS heroes.
During lock down, I decided to record a day in my life and how it differs to my usual life pre-lock down. It was such an interesting way to express my life in a short form video and compare it to when we were allowed to attend large scale events and meet up with people.
I decided to create it in this way because the future generation can look back at it and realise what a global pandemic is like and how we coped with one another. It is also a useful way of remembering what the past was like and how teenagers dealt with it so well. I think it will have a positive impact on people as I have just proven that I might feel locked up all the time but I can still enjoy these difficult times with my family and create memories for the future.
Coronavirus is a worldwide pandemic and millions have been affected in one way or another. It has been recorded that there have been 11.2 million confirmed cases across the world.
Every country has been in a state of lock down for a period of time and many have been shielding and feeling low during these times, so I feel that my short form video will reassure people that lock down can be fun as well and not focus on all the negatives, to find ways of keeping entertained and to cherish memories made with your family. If everyone globally recorded one day in lock down, we could see how everyone has dealt with this differently.
Ellie’s DEVA/hack Video
Ellie recently completed the 2-week DEVA/hack digital boot camp and she created her own piece of video content.
Ellie’s video shows how different her life has been during lock down!